Forklifts are one of the most important tools and industrial innovations of modern society. They are both practical and popular for the transportation of various products over short distances and over 150,000 of them are distributed to material handling buyers every year. The forklift may not be the most interesting piece of machinery in the […]
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Επιχορήγηση 50% και μέχρι 200,000 Ευρώ! Το Σχέδιο Χορηγιών για Ενίσχυση της Ανταγωνιστικότητας των Μικρομεσαίων Επιχειρήσεων του Μεταποιητικού Τομέα και Άλλων Στοχευμένων Οικονομικών Δραστηριοτήτων, έχει επαναπροκηρυχθεί και επίσημα από το Υπουργείο Ενέργειας, Εμπορίου, Βιομηχανίας και Τουρισμού. Το πρόγραμμα υποστηρίζει την αγορά καινούργιου περονοφόρου με επιχορήγηση 50% από το Υπουργείο Εμπορίου. Απλά μπορείτε να αποταθείτε στο 25712265 ή στο […]
Read moreThe European Distributor Conference of HC Forklifts took place in Amsterdam on the 16th of January,2015 where 48 distributors from all over Europe attended the conference. The aim was to provide help to distributors in receiving a better understaning of the HC brand as well as for the company to get the appreciation of the current […]
Read moreΠοιές είναι οι αλλαγές και πως με επηρεάζουν; Σύμφωνα με τις Κοινοτικές Οδηγίες Μηχανημάτων οι οποίες υιοθετήθηκαν και εναρμονίστικαν κάτω από την Κυπριακή Νομοθεσία ΚΔΠ428/2008 (Βλέπε Παράρτημα Ι) , ο έλεγχος αλλά και η εφαρμογή συγκεκριμένων σημείων που αφορούν θέματα ασφαλείας των μηχανημάτων σας είναι βάσει νομοθεσίας υποχρεωτικά. Ποιά έιναι αυτά τα σημεία; Οποιαδήποτε σηματοδότηση αλλά και λειτουργία ενός […]
Read moreA huge thanks to everyone that was there today! The blood donation event was a great success and even the nurses said that it was really impressive! Total number of bottles and donors a record 100!!! Once again thank you!! Your presence was very much appreciated!
Read moreA pallet truck is a simple tool used to move one or more pallets without the necessity to use heavier lifting equipment like a forklift truck. The pallet truck or a the handlift as some may refer to , makes it possible to transport heavy load by sliding a set of forks under the pallet […]
Read moreSpending too much on your forklift? Forklifts which don’t receive adequate maintenance tend to brake more frequently, and this is a fact. Over the past 40 years of selling, reconditioning, servicing and maintaining forklifts we understood that in most cases of a machine failing the reason is because of the owner or operator neglecting the […]
Read moreIt’s easy to know that you are in need of a forklift truck. But which truck to purchase or lease is another story. Many elements play a major role into making a selection and one of these elements is the type of tire. The 2 major types of forklift tires are Solid and Pneumatic. But […]
Read moreAre you sure you or your forklift drivers know how to drive a forklift? Undoubtedly forklifts play a huge role in material handling helping in transporting heavy loads while being efficient, making really laborious tasks easy. Every item in your daily use has been handled at least 3 times on a forklift truck or other […]
Read moreMaybe you have noticed some forklift trucks wearing white forklift tires and wondered the reason why they are white. Well white forklift tires or as they call them non- marking forklift tires are simply tires that leave a lot less marks on the floor than the regular ones. Now they really have specific usage and […]
Read moreCharging your battery in the right way is not enough to ensure its long lasting. The other important factor when it comes to forklift batteries is topping up the battery cells. Remember! The electrolyte within each cell consists of a very strong solution of sulphuric acid. This solution is extremely corrosive and it is necessary […]
Read moreDo you think you know how to charge your forklift battery? Have a look below! Forklift traction batteries are one of the most expensive parts of a fork truck that have as a drawback an expiry date. Since they are so expensive to replace it is very important that the full working life is obtained […]
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